Why Bradwell Quarry
and NE Essex

Rivenhall Greenhouse has undertaken a nationwide study into determining the most favourable sites in which to align commercial low-carbon horticulture with industry, as promoted by the UK Food Strategy.


Why here?

The location

Bradwell Quarry and its collaboration with Indaver and Wren Renewables offers the best opportunity for the following reasons:

Alignment of Engineering

Having visited and reviewed other IWMF’sin the UK, it became clear that retro-fitting to make use of heat, CO2 and electricity was not possible. However, as the site is currently under construction, we have been able to collaborate with the Indaver engineering teamto design heat and CO2 provision from the inception of the scheme.

Security of Supply —
Heat and CO2

From an agronomy perspective, the provision of heat and CO2 for 365 days / 24 hours is imperative to ensure that optimum growing conditions are met.

Ease of logistics

The site is well served by A roads as well as being strategically situated close to supermarket distribution centres.

Water Security

The greenhouses, with their integrated network of reservoirs will be water independent, with rainwater captured to support growing operations.

Provision of green employment

With over 400,000 people living within 12 miles, there is scope to attract the 500 staff required to operate the site. Colchester and Chelmsford have notably higher levels of unemployment for the 25-49 year age bracket.

Life span of the industrial partner

The long-term security of heat and CO2 supply is critical for developing a partnership between horticulture and industry. The IWMF provides this assurance unlike the steel, chemical and refining industries.

Alternatives sites and alternatives to co-location

Establishing greenhouses further away from the IWMF adds complexity and inefficiencies, including heat loss.

Largest expanse of flat land

The restoration of the Bradwell Quarry, following mineral extraction, provides a flat expanse of land with landscaped boundaries and water catchment.

Favourable growing conditions

Braintree receives 1,611 hours of sunshine annually. By comparison the Dutch horticultural areas of the ‘Westland’, north of Rotterdam, receives 1,624 hours annually.

growing tomatoes in Essex

Get in touch

Want to know more?

For any further information or to discuss a development in more detail, get in touch:

Rivenhall Greenhouse

The project

At our core we recognise that businesses can be part of the solution to climate change. We are dedicated to helping businesses grow and have a positive impact on society and our planet.

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